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Songhurst, A, Baitseng, M, Lalley, JS, Lupton S, Molatlhegi M, Mosupi, O, Nkalolang I, Sensinyi, B, Stronza, A, Taylor, T, Holle, K, & McCulloch, G. (2023). All aboard the ‘Elephant Express’, a practical solution for human-elephant coexistence. Pachyderm. No. 64 October 2022 – September 2023.

Songhurst, A. (2023). Probing the Complexities of Actual and Perceived Levels of Human-Elephant Conflict in the Okavango, Botswana. Diversity 2023, 15, 890.

Matsika TA, Masunga, GS, Makati, A, McCulloch G, Stronza A, Songhurst AC, Adjetey, JA, Obopile, M. (2023). Crop diversity and susceptibility of crop fields to elephant raids in eastern Okavango Panhandle, northern Botswana. Ecology and Evolution 13: e9910.

Redmore L, Katholo, I, Sene-Harper A, Songhurst A, McCulloch G & Stronza A. (2023) The Village, the Elephant, and the State: Land Access and Vulnerability in Rural Botswana. Human Ecology.

Naidoo R, Beytell P, Brennan A, Kilian W, McCulloch G, Stronza A, Taylor R, Tsholofelo C and Songhurst A (2022) Challenges to Elephant Connectivity From Border Fences in the World’s Largest Transfrontier Conservation Area. Front. Conserv. Sci. 3:788133.

Vogel, S., Songhurst, A., McCulloch, G., Stronza, A. (2022). Understanding farmers’ reasons behind mitigation decisions is key in supporting their coexistence with wildlife. People and Nature 4: 1305-1318. DOI: 10.1002/pan3.10397.

Buchholtz EK, McDaniels M, Songhurst AC, McCulloch G, & Stronza A. (2022). A mixed-methods assessment of human-elephant conflict in the Western Okavango Panhandle, Botswana. People and Nature 5: 557-571. DOI: 10.1002/pan3.10443.

Buchholtz EK, Spragg, S, Songhurst AC, Stronza A, McCulloch G, & Fitzgerald LA, (2021). Anthropogenic impact on wildlife resource use: Spatial and temporal shifts in elephants’ access to water. African Journal of Ecology 00:1-10. DOI: 10.1111/aje.12860

Redmore L., Stronza A., Songhurst A. and McCulloch G. (2020) Where elephants roam: Perceived risk, vulnerability, and adaptation in the Okavango Delta. Ecology and Society – ES-2020-12001 (Version 2 of ES-2020-11875)

Buchholtz EK, Fitzgerald LA, Songhurst AC, McCulloch G, Stronza A (2020). Using landscape connectivity to predict human-wildlife conflict. Biological Conservation. 248. 108-677.

Buchholtz, E. K., L. Fitzgerald, A. Songhurst, G. P. McCulloch, and A. L. Stronza. 2020. Experts and elephants: local ecological knowledge predicts landscape use for a species involved in human-wildlife conflict. Ecology and Society 25(4):26. https://doi. org/10.5751/ES-11979-250426

Vogel, S., Blumenthal, S., Frederik de Boer, W., Masake, M., Songhurst, A., McCulloch, G., Stronza, A., Henley, M., and Coulson, T. (2020). Timing of dietary switching by savannah elephants in relation to crop consumption. Biological Conservation. 249, 108-703.

Vogel, S., Lambert, B., Songhurst, A., McCulloch, G., Stronza, A., and Coulson, T. (2020). Exploring movement decisions: Can Bayesian movement-state models explain crop consumption behaviour in elephants (Loxodonta africana)? Journal of Animal Ecology. 1-14. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.13177.

Buchholtz EK, Redmore L, Fitzgerald LA, Stronza A, Songhurst AC, McCulloch G (2019) Temporal partitioning and overlapping use of a shared natural resource by people and elephants. Front Ecol Evol 7:1–12

Buchholtz EK, Fitzgerald LA, Songhurst AC, McCulloch G, Stronza A (2019). Overlapping landscape utilization by elephants and people in the Western Okavango Panhandle: implications for conflict and conservation. Landscape Ecology.,-volV() 0123458697().,-

Hofman, M. P. G., M. W. Hayward, M. Heim, P. Marchand, C. M. Rolandsen, J. Mattisson, F. Urbano, M. Heurich, A. Mysterud, J. Melzheimer, N. Morellet, U. Voigt, B. L. Allen, B. Gehr, C. Rouco, W. Ullmann, Ø. Holand, N. H. Jørgensen, G. Steinheim, F. Cagnacci, M. Kroeschel, P. Kaczensky, B. Buuveibaatar, J. C. Payne, I. Palmegiani, K. Jerina, P. Kjellander, O ̈ . Johansson, S. LaPoint, R. Bayrakcismith, J. D. C. Linnell, M. Zaccaroni, M. L. S. Jorge, J. E. F. Oshima, A. Songhurst, C. Fischer, R. T. Mc Bride, Jr., J. J. Thompson, S. Streif, R. Sandfort, C. Bonenfant, M. Drouilly, M. Klapproth, D. Zinner, R. Yarnell, A. Stronza, L. Wilmott, E. Meisingset, M. Thaker, A. T. Vanak, S. Nicoloso, R. Graeber, S. Said, M. R. Boudreau, A. Devlin, R. Hoogesteijn, J. A. May-Junior, J. C. Nifong, J. Odden, H. B. Quigley, F. Tortato, D. M. Parker, A. Caso, J. Perrine, C. Tellaeche, F. Zieba, T. Zwijacz-Kozica, C. L. Appel, I. Axsom, W. T. Bean, B. Cristescu, S. Pe ́riquet, K. J. Teichman, S. Karpanty, A. Licoppe, V. Menges, K. Black, T. L. Scheppers, S. C. Schai-Braun, F. C. Azevedo, F. G. Lemos, A. Payne, L. H. Swanepoel, B. V. Weckworth, A. Berger, A. Bertassoni, G. McCulloch, P. Sˇustr, V. Athreya, D. Bockmuhl, J. Casaer, A. Ekori, D. Melovski, C. Richard- Hansen, D. van de Vyver, R. Reyna-Hurtado, E. Robardet, N. Selva, A. Sergiel, M. S. Farhadinia, P. Sunde, R. Portas, H. Ambarli, R. Berzins, P. M. Kappeler, G. K. Mann, L. Pyritz, C. Bissett, T. Grant, R. Steinmetz, L. Swedell, R. J. Welch, D. Armenteras, O. R. Bidder, T. M. Gonza ́lez, A. Rosenblatt, S. Kachel, N. Balkenhol (2019). Right on track? Performance of satellite telemetry in terrestrial wildlife research. Plos One,1-26.

Songhurst, A., McCulloch, G., Stronza, A., 2018. Ecoexist Project End Year 5 Report. Ecoexist Trust, Botswana.

Pozo, R.A., Cusack, J.J., McCulloch, G., Stronza, A., Coulson, T., Songhurst, A., 2018. Elephant space-use is not a good predictor of crop-damage. Biological Conservation 228, 241-251.

Redmore L., Stronza A., Songhurst A. and McCulloch G. (2018) Which Way Forward? Past and New Perspectives on Community-Based Conservation in the Anthropocene. In: Dominick A. DellaSala, and Michael I. Goldstein (eds.) The Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene, vol. 3, p. 453-460. Oxford: Elsevier.

Songhurst, A., 2017. Measuring human-wildlife conflicts: comparing insights from different monitoring approaches. Wildl. Soc. Bull.

Pozo, R.A., Coulson, T., McCulloch, G., Stronza, A., Songhurst, A., 2017. Determining baselines for human-elephant conflict: a matter of time. PLoS One 12 (6), e0178840.

Pozo, R.A., McCulloch, G., Stronza, A., Coulson, T., Songhurst, A., 2017. Chilli-bri- quettes modify elephant temporal behaviour but not numbers. Oryx. 10.1017/S0030605317001235.

Songhurst, A., McCulloch, G., Stronza, A., 2017. Ecoexist Project End Year 4 Report. Ecoexist Trust, Botswana.

Songhurst, A., McCulloch, G., Stronza, A., 2016. Ecoexist Project End Year 3 Report. Ecoexist Trust, Botswana.

Songhurst, A., McCulloch, G., Stronza, A., 2015. Ecoexist Project End Year 2 Report. Ecoexist Trust, Botswana.

Songhurst, A., M. Chase, and T. Coulson. 2015. Using simulations of past and present elephant (Loxodonta africana) population numbers in the Okavango Delta Panhandle, Botswana to improve future population estimates. Wetlands Ecology and Management 23:1–20.

Songhurst, A., McCulloch, G., Coulson, T., 2015. Finding pathways to human–elephant coexistence: a risky business. Oryx.

Songhurst, A., Coulson, T., 2014. Exploring the effects of spatial autocorrelation when identifying key drivers of wildlife crop-raiding. Ecol. Evol. 4, 582–593.

Songhurst, A., McCulloch, G., Stronza, A., 2014. Ecoexist Project End Year 1 Report. Ecoexist Trust, Botswana.

Songhurst, A., 2014. Ecoexist report on elephant collaring exercise Eastern and western Panhandle. In: Ecoexist Project, Botswana.